Dummy FingerVision Data
- Dummy FingerVision data is a video record of FingerVision. It is useful to test a new algorithm (plugin of FingerVision) without actual FingerVision devices.
Dummy Data †
The dummy data (video files) are stored in: data/fv_demo.
We used a UR3 robot with two finger gripper that has two FingerVision sensors. The FingerVision videos were recorded during operating the robot.
Read data/fv_demo/README.md: the YouTube videos recorded with an external camera during taking the dummy data are linked.
Usage †
Using Direct Video File †
The FingerVision programs provide a capture interface for camera devices, video streams, and video files. So, you can directly use the video files as the input of the programs. Refer to Video Capture and Rectification.
Streaming Video †
Other way is streaming the video over the Ethernet network. This approach is better than the direct use of the video.
- We can test the computer vision programs under the condition close to the actual system.
- The video stream can be shared among multiple FingerVision video processing programs.
For this purpose, we use MJPG-Streamer. Especially we use the input video plugin MJPG-Streamer#VideoFile.
The fingervision package provides utility scripts to stream multiple video files (dummy data) simultaneously.
Non-ROS Script †
The scripts are in tools directory.
$ cd fingervision/tools/
Run one of the following:
$ ./stream_file1.sh $ ./stream_file2.sh $ ./stream_file3.sh
The difference is the dummy data.
Each script streams two video files over Ethernet with different ports. Access http://localhost:8080/stream.html and http://localhost:8081/stream.html to see the video streams of dummy data.
This program can be quit by pressing Enter.
ROS Script †
The same program (scripts) is available on ROS. Run one of following:
$ rosrun fingervision stream_file1.sh $ rosrun fingervision stream_file2.sh $ rosrun fingervision stream_file3.sh
The difference is the dummy data.
Video streams are available on: http://localhost:8080/stream.html and http://localhost:8081/stream.html
Test Capturing †
Refer to Video Capture and Rectification#Utility for capturing from video stream.
$ ./capture.out "http://localhost:8080/?action=stream&dummy=file.mjpg" $ ./capture.out "http://localhost:8081/?action=stream&dummy=file.mjpg" $ ./capture_mult.out cam_3.yaml