Video Capture and Rectification
- We provide a utility for opening capture device, capturing from it, and rectifying the image. This page introduce the usage of the capture utility.
TCameraInfo Object and Related Functions †
TCameraInfo is a structure to store the capture configuration, defined in ay_vision/vision_util.h:
struct TCameraInfo
std::string Name; // Camera name
std::string DevID; // Video device ID (int) or Video/stream path (string)
std::string PixelFormat; // Pixel format such as MJPG
int Width, Height; // Image size
int CapWidth, CapHeight; // Capture size (if zero, Width/Height is used; if not zero, captured image is resized to (Width,Height))
int NRotate90; // Rotating image NRotate90 * 90 degrees
int Rectification; // Whether rectify image or not
double Alpha; // Scaling factor
cv::Mat K, D, R; // Camera, distortion, and rectification matrices
DevID may be:
- Camera device ID; e.g. "1" (camera device 1, i.e. /dev/video1).
- Video stream; e.g. "http://localhost:8080/?action=stream&dummy=file.mjpg" (Use MJPG-Streamer for streaming video).
- Video file; e.g. "../data/fv_demo/cam0_0001.m4v".
Some functions are defined to work with TCameraInfo. The important ones are as follows:
ReadFromYAML †
void ReadFromYAML(std::vector<TCameraInfo> &cam_info, const std::string &file_name);
Load a vector of TCameraInfo objects from a YAML file. Each YAML file may contain multiple camera devices.
CapOpen †
bool CapOpen(TCameraInfo &info, cv::VideoCapture &cap);
Open the capture device, video stream, or file and assign the capture object to cap. It returns true if successfully opened, and false if there is an error.
CapWaitReopen †
bool CapWaitReopen(TCameraInfo &info, cv::VideoCapture &cap, int ms_wait=1000, int max_count=0);
Re-open the capture device (or video stream or file). This is useful when the capture fails. It tries to reopen at most max_count times (or forever if max_count==0). At each trial of reopen, it sleeps ms_wait milliseconds with cv::waitKey. If q or Esc is pressed, it exits the function immediately.
Image Rectification †
TCameraInfo may have camera rectification parameters. TCameraRectifier is a rectifier object defined in ay_vision/vision_util.h. It has two methods:
Setup †
void Setup(const cv::Mat &K, const cv::Mat &D, const cv::Mat &R, const cv::Size &size_in, const double &alpha, const cv::Size &size_out);
Setup the rectifier object. The parameters can be filled with the member variables of a TCameraInfo object.
Rectify †
void Rectify(cv::Mat &frame, const cv::Scalar& border=cv::Scalar());
Rectify the given image (frame) and replace frame by the rectified image.
Implementing Video Capture and Rectification †
The standalone capture program standalone/capture.cpp and multiple camera version standalone/capture_mult.cpp are good examples of the capture utility.
The following codes are part of standalone/capture.cpp.
Load TCameraInfo from a YAML file:
std::vector<TCameraInfo> cam_info;
ReadFromYAML(cam_info, filename); // filename is a path to YAML file (std::string)
Or we can create TCameraInfo manually:
std::vector<TCameraInfo> cam_info;
cam_info[0].DevID= cam; // e.g. "0", "http://xxx/yyy.mjpg", "zzz.mjpg"
cam_info[0].Width= 320; // e.g. 0, 320, 640
cam_info[0].Height= 240; // e.g. 0, 240, 480
Open the capture device (we just use the first element of cam_info):
cv::VideoCapture cap;
if(!CapOpen(cam_info[0], cap)) return -1; // Exit if failure.
Setup the rectifier (only when cam_info[0].Rectification is true):
TCameraRectifier cam_rectifier;
cv::Size size_in(cam_info[0].Width,cam_info[0].Height), size_out(cam_info[0].Width,cam_info[0].Height);
cam_rectifier.Setup(cam_info[0].K, cam_info[0].D, cam_info[0].R, size_in, cam_info[0].Alpha, size_out);
Capture from cap, and if failure, try to reopen the camera device with CapWaitReopen:
cv::Mat frame;
if(CapWaitReopen(cam_info[0],cap)) continue;
else return cv::Mat();
Resize, rotate, and rectify the image:
if(cam_info[0].CapWidth!=cam_info[0].Width || cam_info[0].CapHeight!=cam_info[0].Height)
cam_rectifier.Rectify(frame, /*border=*/cv::Scalar(0,0,0));
Capture Utility †
There are two capture utilities that are useful to check the video device and stream. It can also record the video.
- standalone/capture.cpp: Capture images from a camera device, video stream, and a video file.
- standalone/capture_mult.cpp: Multiple camera version.
capture.cpp †
$ g++ -g -Wall -O2 -o capture.out capture.cpp -I../3rdparty -I../fv_core -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_highgui
$ ./capture.out [CAMERA_NUMBER [WIDTH HEIGHT]] CAMERA_NUMBER: Camera device number (e.g. 1). $ ./capture.out CONFIG_FILE CONFIG_FILE: Configuration file in YAML (e.g. fv_1.yaml). The configuration file may include camera configuration (CameraInfo).
- Press 'q' or Esc: Exit the program.
- Press 'W': On/off video capture.
Example execution commands:
Open /dev/video0 with 320x240:
$ ./capture.out 0 320 240
Open a video stream from localhost port 8080. cf. MJPG-Streamer
$ ./capture.out "http://localhost:8080/?action=stream&dummy=file.mjpg"
Open a video device with the configuration file fv_1.yaml (image rectification is enabled):
$ ./capture.out fv_1.yaml
capture_mult.cpp †
g++ -g -Wall -O2 -o capture_mult.out capture_mult.cpp -I../3rdparty -I../fv_core -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_highgui
$ ./capture_mult.out [CAMERA_NUMBER [WIDTH HEIGHT [CAMERA_NUMBER [WIDTH HEIGHT ...]]]] CAMERA_NUMBER: Camera device number (e.g. 1). To capture from multiple cameras, repeat like: $ ./capture_mult.out 0 320 240 1 320 240 $ ./capture_mult.out CONFIG_FILE CONFIG_FILE: Configuration file in YAML (e.g. fv_1.yaml). The configuration file may include camera configuration (CameraInfo). Put configurations of multiple cameras in the same CONFIG_FILE to capture from multiple cameras (e.g. cam_2.yaml).
- Press 'q' or Esc: Exit the program.
- Press 'W': On/off video capture.