Integrating FingerVision to Robotic Systems
Here is an example of integrating FingerVision to a Baxter robotic system. This Baxter has a Baxter electric parallel grippers (EPG) and a Robotiq 2-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper. Each gripper has two fingers, and on each finger a FingerVision is installed. Thus the robot has four FingerVision sensors.
For the integration, we are using two Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. RPi captures images, and streams them in MJPG format through Gigabit Ethernet network. MJPG-streamer is useful for streaming on Raspberry Pi. See THIS PAGE for details.
A central PC is used to process the images, including marker tracking and proximity vision. The ROS package (see Software#ROS) is used. We could process data at more than 30 fps with 320x240 resolution for each FingerVision.