Installation of FingerVision Software
There are two options to install the software package fingervision. One is installing as a part of ay_tools, and the other is standalone installation.
Installing ay_tools †
For installing fingervision as a part of ay_tools, follow the instruction of: Installation of ay_tools.
Standalone Installation †
For install fingervision without ay_tools, make a clone of the Git repository of fingervision in the work space of rosbuild (such as ~/ros_ws/ay_tools).
$ mkdir ~/ros_ws/ay_tools/ $ cd ~/ros_ws/ay_tools/ $ git clone
Install Dependencies †
- Install OpenCV. Refer to OpenCV Version.
- Install Boost C++ Libraries:
$ sudo apt-get -f install libboost-all-dev libboost-dev
Build the ROS Package †
$ rosmake fingervision
Build the Standalone Programs †
No make system for building them. Refer to the pages of the standalone programs. You can also find a build command in the comment of standalone programs.
Test the Installation †
With dummy data (no actual FingerVision sensors are necessary):
$ rosrun fingervision
Access http://localhost:8080/stream.html and http://localhost:8081/stream.html to see the video streams of dummy data.
This program can be quit by pressing Enter.
Run some standalone programs:
$ cd (fingervision directory) $ cd standalone/ (Just play the video stream) $ ./capture.out fv_3_l.yaml (Marker tracking demo; Press c to calibrate) $ ./blob_tracker2_test.out fv_3_l.yaml (Proximity vision demo) $ ./prox_vision_test.out fv_3_l.yaml
Note: In blob_tracker2_test.out and prox_vision_test.out, the calibration is done automatically at the beginning of the program. Press c to calibrate again. Note that the calibration of blob_tracker2_test.out is not good in this setup since typically we use white background during the calibration.
Press q to quit each program.
Launch FingerVision data processing program (ROS version):
$ roslaunch fingervision fv_3_filtered.launch
You will see four windows. This demo starts fv_core_node for the two video streams. The calibration of the marker tracker is loaded from the files. It also launches a filter to the raw data.
Check the ROS topics (do this in another terminal):
$ rostopic list /fingervision/fv_3_l/blob_moves /fingervision/fv_3_l/prox_vision /fingervision/fv_3_l/wrench /fingervision/fv_3_r/blob_moves /fingervision/fv_3_r/prox_vision /fingervision/fv_3_r/wrench /fingervision/fv_filter1_objinfo /fingervision/fv_filter1_wrench
Echo some of them to see the content of the topic:
$ rostopic echo /fingervision/fv_3_l/wrench
rostopic echo and fingervision fv_3_filtered.launch can be quit by Ctrl+C.