Let's Learn AI and Robotics!
- Abstract 概要
This is a collection of technologies for starting AI and robotics projects.
Rather than being complete text, this website aims a quick start guide to learn each technology.
It also provides exercises in each technology which are guideline of what you should achieve.
Our mission is making documents of how-to-learn-skills for systematic and sustainable newbie training.
- Table of contents 目次
Community コミュニティ †
Communities will help you when you get stack.
You can also contribute on community for helping other people.
Programming プログラミング †
Platform プラットフォーム †
Language 言語 †
C++ libraries C++ライブラリ †
Robot Operating System (ROS) †
- ROS / Exercise?
- RViz? / Exercise?
- Gazebo? / Exercise?
Python libraries Pythonライブラリ †
- NumPy? / Exercise?
- SciPy? / Exercise?
- OpenCV(Python)? / Exercise?
- Chainer / Exercise?
- TensorFlow+Keras? / Exercise?
Simulation シミュレーション †
Software †
Programming tools プログラミングツール †
- Git / Exercise?
- Make? / Exercise?
- CMake? / Exercise?
Data analysis データ解析 †
Documentation tool 文書作成ツール †
- LaTeX? / Exercise?
- AntConc? / Exercise?
Modeling tool モデリングツール †
Theory †
Mathematics 数学 †
- Linear algebra 線形代数 ? / Exercise?
Optimization 最適化 †
- Numerical optimization 数値最適化 ? / Exercise?
- Differential dynamic programming? / Exercise?
Reasoning 推論 †
- Motion planning モーションプラニング ? / Exercise?
Machine learning 機械学習 †
- Regression 回帰 ? / Exercise?
- Classification 分類 ? / Exercise?
- Principle Component Analysis 主成分分析 (PCA)? / Exercise?
- Deep learning 深層学習 ? / Exercise?
- Reinforcement learning 強化学習 ? / Exercise?
Robotics ロボティクス †
- Kinematics 運動学 ? / Exercise?
- Inverse Kinematics 逆運動学 ? / Exercise?
Computer vision コンピュータビジョン †
- Computer vision コンピュータビジョン ?
Device Programming デバイスプログラミング †
Robots ロボット †
Sensors センサ †
- USB camera? / Exercise?
- Camera calibration?
- RGB-D camera? / Exercise?
- Board camera?
- Depth sensor?
- FingerVision?
Actuators アクチュエータ †
Equipment 設備 †
Manufacturing Equipment 製造機器 †
- LulzBot / Exercise? (3D printer 3Dプリンタ )
- Vacuum 真空ポンプ ?
Manufacturing Techniques 製造技術 †
- Molding silicone シリコーン成形 ?
Online forum †
Visit our Online forum!
- Discussing text contents.
- Suggestions are always welcome!
- Tell us your stories of learning something.
- Online courses.
- Online learning tools.
- Collection of exercises.
- Lecture videos.
- ...
Contact information †
If you have any concerns about the text (copyright issues, etc.), please contact us with e-mail:
- E-mail of the text team: text-team[at]akihikoy.net
Please replace [at] by @.
Join the text team! †
You are welcome to join the text team as a writer. Please send following information to the above e-mail for joining us:
- Your introduction (education history, teaching experience, skills, projects you worked on, etc.).
- Your motivation to become a writer.
- Which topics are you considering to write?