- This page provides a list of deformable object simulators, including liquid simulators, vegetable/fruit/liquid simulators, and cloth simulators. If you have any suggestions to list in this page, let us know via .
What we are looking for †
We are especially looking for simulations of:
- Many different types of liquids (water, viscous liquids like ketchup) and particles (seasoning, powder, salt, etc.).
- Vegetables, fruits, and meats that should simulate the effect of cutting, peeling, squeezing, tearing, etc.
Platform †
- Blender can simulate some types of deformable objects. See Simulation - Blender. Listed objects are: Smoke and Fire, Fluids, Hair, Cloth, Rigid Bodies, and Particles.
- Unity is a cross-platform game engine where some defromable object simulations are available.
- Unreal Engine is a game engine, which is capable of simulating deformable objects.
Liquid and fluid simulators †
- Fluidix
- ...
Cloth simulators †
- ...