- This is an abstract.
aaaaa | bbb | cccc | ddd |
ho | ge | hoge | |
xx | hg |
Lang switch †
Code highlight †
Importing and highlighting code from GitHub †
#include "simpleode/lib/arm.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void test_ctrl(xode::TEnvironment &env, xode::TDynRobot &robot)
dReal target[3]={0.5,0.8,0.8};
// robot.Body().back().addForce (0.1*(std::sin(env.Time())+1.0), 0.1*(std::sin(env.Time()*1.7)+1.0) ,0.1*(std::sin(env.Time()*0.7)+1.0));
target[0]= std::sin(env.Time());
target[1]= 0.5*(std::sin(0.2+2.0*env.Time())+1.0);
target[2]= 1.57*0.5;
const double kp(5.0);
for(int j(0);j<3;++j)
// const double kp(0.2),kd(0.02);
// for(int j(0);j<3;++j)
// robot.AddTorqueHinge(j,kp*(target[j]-robot.GetAngleHinge(j))-kd*robot.GetAngVelHinge(j));
cerr<<robot.GetAngleHinge(0)<<" "<<robot.GetAngleHinge(1)<<" "<<robot.GetAngleHinge(2)<<endl;
static dVector3 KeyboardShperePos={0,0,1};
void test_draw(xode::TEnvironment &env, xode::TDynRobot &robot)
dReal sides[3]={0.3,0.3,0.3};
dsSetColorAlpha (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
dsDrawBox (robot.GetHandPos(), robot.GetHandRot(), sides);
dsSetColorAlpha (1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5);
// dsDrawSphere (KeyboardShperePos, robot.GetHandRot(), 0.2);
void test_keyevent(xode::TEnvironment &env, xode::TDynRobot &robot, int command)
dReal d(0.05);
case 'd': KeyboardShperePos[0]+=d; break;
case 'a': KeyboardShperePos[0]-=d; break;
case 'w': KeyboardShperePos[2]+=d; break;
case 's': KeyboardShperePos[2]-=d; break;
case 'e': KeyboardShperePos[1]+=d; break;
case 'q': KeyboardShperePos[1]-=d; break;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
xode::TEnvironment env;
dsFunctions fn= xode::SimInit("textures",env);
// dsFunctions fn= xode::SimInit("/home/akihiko/proj/skyai/benchmarks/humanoid01/m/textures_w",env);
xode::ControlCallback= &test_ctrl;
xode::DrawCallback= &test_draw;
xode::KeyEventCallback= &test_keyevent;
dsSimulationLoop (argc,argv,400,400,&fn);
return 0;
Attaching source code and highlighting †
This is the reference of attached file: round.cpp
Other reference style:
Highlighting the file content:
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
for(double x(-5.0); x<5.0; x+=0.01)
cout<<x<<" "<<round(x)<<endl;
return 0;
Writing code directly †
# src: http://taka.no32.tk/diary/20050826.html
KEY=`echo $@ | nkf -w -w80`
No highlighting †
% chmod 600 secrete_file
Equation †
Use the math plugin:
\$$$ y = \int{( x^2 + \sin{(\log{x})} )dx} \$$$Media †
Image †
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