Import a different version of OpenCV in Python
When there are two versions of (e.g. OpenCV) libraries in a system, how to specify the imported version in Python?
The search paths of imported libraries are defined as the variable sys.path which is a list type. Modifying this variable, we can add/remove a search path. The order of search is from the beginning of sys.path. If we add a path by sys.path.append(...), it has a lowest priority. Thus we need to add a path in front of the list.
ライブラリの検索パスは sys.path 変数(リスト)定義されている.この変数に値を追加削除することで,検索パスを変更できる.検索の順番は sys.path の始めからである.つまりパスを sys.path.append(...) で追加すると,そのパスは最も優先度が低い.そこでリストの先頭にパスを加える必要がある.
e.g. 例
import sys
sys.path= ['/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/']+sys.path
import cv2